Category: Thoughts out Loud

  • The second time we raced Seward Park.

    “Damn, this weather turned out great. This morning I really thought it’d be colder tonight.” “Colder?”, I heard Justin say through the wind. We work our way over and then under the lower bridge, silently coast down by the fishermen – no smell tonight – back along the bike path onto the sidewalk, cross the…

  • Blabbering blog ’bout bicycling books, bro.

    How to Skate a 10k and also Half a 10k, by Nils van der Poel. <—-(thats the link to the PDF) The world is going crazy devouring this PDF. Ok, the world is going crazy trying to figure out what Kanye West is up to but everywhere I happen to click seems to be…

  • ‘Bass’ Block

    Leadville 2022 Prep Diary Seattle mornings are always too cold, too damp, and really really quiet. This is the perfect setting to – with my shoes still unlaced- load the barbell. Feeling that hard cold steel touch my calloused hands hurts at first but then serves to remind me that I am here and that…